Rachel Sibley
K-8 Math Education Coach & Consultant
Yorkville, IL
M. Ed. Math Education
B.A. Elementary Education & Teaching
ELL Endorsement
14+ Years Teaching
About Me

I am a strong facilitator with a Masters in Math Education and 10+ years elementary teaching experience. I am a goal-getter, whether it is personal development, marathon running, or professional growth. I have had the pleasure of focusing on math education research and best practices in instruction for almost 10 years. My WHY is my passion to coach teachers on the best practices and instructional strategies for success in their classrooms. I want all teachers & students to be confident in and love math!I am able to promote effective development in teachers, helping them devise and implement strategic strategies for math instruction in the classroom. I work to provide essential coaching to begin and maintain positive changes.I offer professional development presentations for teachers for continuing education on a variety of curriculum and instructional approaches in math to build teacher, instructional coach, and administrator knowledge and skills that translate to effective teaching and learning in the classroom. I work to collaborate for continual improvement and reach goals.Think about your WHY - and HOW we can get to a shared vision and move toward continuous improvement in the area of math at your school!Email me to discuss possible options for your school or district, or book a professional development session. Review my teaching experience, education, and awards on LinkedIn.
What I Do
K-8 Coaching & Consulting Services
Below you will find many of my math professional development topics, and coaching supports. Let’s discuss your school’s individualized needs and goals to create a plan for math growth.
Small group instruction & guided math
Structuring a math block with best practices
Implementing Building Thinking Classrooms
Tools for number sense
Engaging students with collaboration & discourse in math
Progression of mathematical concepts
Align math content by unpacking key standards & skills by grade level
Choosing and/or implementing new math curriculum
Using IXL in the math classroom & for intervention
Standards for Mathematical Practices (CCSS SMP) & SEL connections
Dissecting and utilizing MAP data
MTSS best practices
Planning for impactful math intervention
Math formative and summative assessments
Math vocabulary and language
Math IAR prep
Taking a close look at grading practices and policies - including transitioning to standards based grading
Vertical articulation meetings on math instruction reflections, connections, progressions, and addressing gaps
Classroom observations, give feedback, support, help implement new plans and strategies
New teacher coaching
I also offer self-paced online courses through the Illinois Online Academy - a collection of online, self-paced courses for Illinois educators. Teachers and instructional coaches can earn PD credits in a short amount of time for a reasonable cost. Below are the links to my courses’ registration.
Unpacking the Standards for Mathematical Practices
In an evolving world, it is important we give our students the tools to discover and practice math concepts off of the paper, and learn imperative social skills that will help them navigate college, careers, and citizenship. After taking this course, you will have a complete understanding of the Common Core standards for mathematical practice, and how to best incorporate those into your math lessons daily.
Best Practices for Instructional Coaching
Instructional coaches play a vital role in their schools, supporting progress & growth. This course will walk you through the research, resources and strategies for best practices in coaching. If you are a new instructional coach, you will walk away with the resources you need ready to use for successful coaching in your school. If you have coaching experience, this course is a refresher that can help revitalize, refresh, and refine your practices.
My Approach
Step 1: Recognize a need
Identify a math curriculum and/or instructional goal for your school or district.
Step 2: Work with administrators and teachers to create a plan
Develop a scope & sequence for reaching your school’s goal(s). This can also be in the form of PD presentation(s) during institute or school improvement days.
Step 3: Follow through with the steps in the action plan for math success
I will support and observe teachers as they begin to practice and implement new strategies in their classrooms.I can also follow up after PD presentations during PLC meetings, or on a follow-up institute or school improvement day.
Step 4: Track progress, analyze data, classroom observation, reevaluate
I can observe teachers and analyze data to help them identify if the newly implemented strategies are proving effective and if there is a need for any additional support or strategies.
"Mrs. Sibley has been our math consultant the past 2 years. She has been responsive to the needs of our teachers and has aligned wonderful resources for our teachers to implement when it comes to planning for math, small group and intervention support for our students. Our teachers are thankful for her knowledge and support."
"Mrs. Sibley is a great asset to our school and district. She works tirelessly to ensure that our students are improving in mathematics by coaching teachers, helping in classrooms, assessing students, and being a great curricular resource. She works with both teachers and administrators to ensure a high level of teaching and learning, endeavoring to move the needle with every student."
"Rachel has been extremely helpful with making me more comfortable and more knowledgeable when it comes to teaching math. She is always willing to teach a lesson for the teacher, take on a small group, or just support the teacher with resources on any topic needed. She has helped myself and other teachers understand our grade level standards better and helped us break them down into what the standard is saying."
-4th Grade Teacher
"As a veteran teacher with over 15 years of experience, I've seen math instruction change. From the use of technology in the classroom, to varying curriculum, to adjusting teaching style to meet the needs of students, it can be overwhelming. Working with Rachel has allowed me to easily add meaningful pieces to my math routine. She presents research based ideas, models them, and makes sure that I understand the what and the why before I implement them myself. I've enjoyed being able to pick her brain and use her ideas to make math instruction better for my students. If you're not constantly mastering your craft as a teacher, then you're falling behind. Rachel helps me stay ahead."
-Middle School Math Teacher
© 2025 Rachel Sibley Math Coaching & Consulting, LLC